UMR Ecobiop


Joint Research Unit Behavioral Ecology and Fish Population Biology

Director : Jacques Labonne - Assistant Director : Cédric Tentelier

The research undertaken at the UMR ECOBIOP (Behavioural Ecology and Fish Population Biology) is aimed towards the study of fish behaviour and the role it plays in the natural populations’ operation and evolution.  The unit develops approaches in experimental ecology (in controlled or natural environments), modelling and population genetics.  The aim of the research is to improve the management practices of the pisciculture population and environment, in order to, not only preserve their natural resources and biodiversity, but also predict the evolution of these populations under anthropogenic activities.

The UMR ECOBIOP is a mixed unit of INRAE and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, based at the site in Saint- Pée sur Nivelle and the Montaury campus on the Basque coast in Ang

See also