

The Hydrobiology Pôle

Since 1977, the Hydrobiology station has been located on the historical windmill site of lbarron, in the St Pée sur Nivelle area of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques region. Its previous location was the Atalaye plateau in Biarritz.

The research station mainly focuses on fish, aquatic resources and environment.

Our approach is two-fold :

  • We study the nutritional and genomic physiology of aquatic species produced by agricultural systems as well as candidate species for breeding (NuMeA lab).
  • We study natural fish populations in their ecosystems, focusing on behavioural ecology, population genetics and dynamics (ECOBIOP lab, in association with Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour).
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© INRA - G. Choubert

© INRA - E. Beall

The station controls a number of installations including 5 experimental sites. It has 57 permanent INRA staff members, receives around 60 training students each year and participates in various teaching courses. In addition to the two scientific labs, a third team provides technical and administrative support.

The station is administratively attached to the Centre INRA de Bordeaux-Aquitaine (Bordeaux Aquitaine Research Center) and is scientifically related to two scientific departments .